Participants will explore beliefs, challenges and strategies for planning and facilitating difficult conversations utilising our AWKWARD framework.
Ask yourself
What is the reason for having the conversation and what are the consequences of not having the conversation?
What do you want to achieve
Get clear on the objective of the conversation – are you wanting to inform, influence or advise? What are your expectations of the other party?
Know what you need to know
Ensure that you have all the information, evidence and support that you need in order to have the conversation.
What else
What is unique to this person, situation and this conversation? What is unique to both you and the listener that may impact the conversation? (state of mind, workload, wellbeing etc.)
This should include identifying a time and place for the conversation. Taking into consideration the listeners needs and potential responses to the conversation.
Relatedness & Rapport
Taking what you know about the listener what are the specific considerations (style, concerns reality & perception).
Build Rapport.
State the Situation and what you would like to achieve as a result of having the conversation.
Describe how it is affecting you.
Ascertain the listeners perspective – Actively listen and ask questions to gather more information and be empathetic.
Plan a way forward and discuss next steps.
Participants will:
Explore and articulate beliefs and challenges associated with facilitating difficult conversations
Discover the kind of thinking habits and behaviours that impact peoples ability to articulate and execute difficult conversations
Learn how to build rapport and understand communication styles
Utilise the Awkward framework to plan and facilitate a difficult conversation