A Validated Tool to Measure Wellbeing

The Adesso profiling tool provides a snapshot of where people are NOW across five key drivers:
This snapshot offers individuals the opportunity to clearly articulate goals and measure, reflect and review personal wellbeing and professional growth.
The Adesso tool can be administered through a Professional lens and a Personal lens. The key distinction between the two is that the Professional lens measures an individual’s perception around how their workplace environment impacts their results, and the Personal lens measures an individual’s perception around how the broader environment impacts their results.
Many employers and organisations are primarily focused on economic returns and productivity rather than the wellbeing of their employees, ignoring the influence of individual wellbeing that otherwise may improve employee commitment to the organisation and the financial “bottom-line”. And too often, initiatives that are introduced are perceived as ‘gimmicky’ by a tired and suspicious workforce, a waste of time and money by the company, and hence ineffectual in the long run.
Adesso provides organisations with the ability to create a sustainable pathway to identify organisational impact and the role the organisation can play in improving the wellbeing and overall productivity of its employees.
Coaching and Mentoring

Easy and functional
to understand
The Adesso profile is easy to navigate and absorb, the insights provide both a narrative and visual impact meaning that the profile can be debriefed at both an individual and group level with easy to understand data sets providing valuable information to help plan a way forward that is both tailored and sustainable. There are no complicated acronyms, pigeonholing of personality types or value judgements that leave participants feeling inadequate.

Validated in partnership with the Australian National University
Dr Richard A Burns and his research team from the Research School of Population Health conducted a comprehensive review of the scientific and wellbeing literature underlying the theoretical model of the ADESSO framework and have provided validation of both the Adesso framework and diagnostic tool. Wellbeing is a multi-faceted construct that comprises personal, health, social, organisational, and economic factors. The Adesso framework addresses these factors with the 15 indicators across the five domains of Purpose, Mind, Body, Connection and Financial.

Valuable insight provided to both individuals and organisations
The Adesso report provides individuals and organisations with a snapshot of where they are now across the five domains of Purpose, Mind, Body, Connection and Financial. The individual report provides individuals the opportunity to understand the importance of each of the domains and identifies particular areas that may require additional focus and attention.
At an organisational level the collated data and commentary about how people would like to be further supported is invaluable, this information can then inform the development of wellbeing initiatives and strategy.